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Opportunities rarely fall right into your lap — despite it the way it feels when you see another content creator post their $10k month.
“Wow, another overnight success! Lucky…”
Truth is, these people aren’t lucky. Does that mean a little luck wasn’t involved in their achievements? You can’t be sure. But what you can be sure of: they didn’t rely on luck.
They created opportunity for themselves.
Spending all day lurking on social media or working non-stop on an eBook you’re never going to release is the anti-thesis of creating opportunity. If you’re not sure the best way to go about it, here are a few simple ways to create your own opportunities.
#1 Make some noise. The best way to start creating opportunity is to let people know you exist. It sounds simple — but if you’re not making noise, nobody knows what you do. They don’t even know you exist. Stop lurking. Start posting. Start publishing.
#2 Start engaging with people. Engage with people in real life, engage with people on LinkedIn, on Twitter, on Facebook, on Instagram, on Discord, etc. Ask questions. Offer helpful feedback. Anywhere you can engage with people — engage.
#3 Find your tribe. This will take some exploration. It took me 10 months. But this will be a major factor in creating opportunity. Those in your tribe have similar interests and goals and they’re looking for similar opportunities. A rising tide lifts all boats. A common tribe refines ideas.
#4 Start putting your work out there. So this is beyond engaging with others. You’re now showcasing your portfolio of expertise, what you’re capable of, and what you’re learning. You can show people what you’re creating and building. Sharing it with people will help you figure out what’s working.
#5 Connect with key influencers or thought leaders in your space. Pick their brains, send them a DM, ask them if they could make a Racket with you. A podcast episode, a Twitter space, a zoom call, a mini webinar. Whatever. But you have to ask. They say yes and bam — a new connection. The worst thing that can happen because they say no. Rejection is not failure. It’s just an answer.
#6 Be consistent. Consistency breeds opportunity. Simple as that. So be consistent. Make it daily, make it often.
#7 Leverage others’ audiences.
• Go on others’ podcasts.
• Write guest posts.
• Ask for a retweet.
• Hop into their Clubhouse room.
• Collaborate on a YouTube video or webinar.
• Get in front of their audience by showcasing your personality, knowledge, and content.
Implement these strategies and you’ll find opportunities suddenly start “falling in your lap.”
#1 Make some noise.
#2 Start engaging with people.
#3 Find your tribe.
#4 Start putting your work out there.
#5 Connect with key influencers or thought leaders in your space.
#6 Be consistent.
#7 Leverage others’ audiences.
These strategies will not “guarantee” opportunity, but inaction will guarantee stagnation.
And who knows, maybe someday you’ll be seen as one of those lucky ‘overnight successes’.
I tried doing it for 5 newsletter campaigns. Here's what happened—and whether or not you should try it.
I tried doing it for 5 newsletter campaigns. Here's what happened—and whether or not you should try it.
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